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Frequently Asked Questions

The workouts are designed for personal modification. The best part is, it’s YOUR workout… do what feels best for you! Push your limits and you will have none!

If you are new to using weights we recommend you start off with 5kg weights.  You may increase weights as you go along. You can start out with a larger weight and drop down to a lower weight depending on the exercise. Always listen to your body!

You’ll want to have a yoga mat, resistance bands and dumbbells to start.

Oh no! We’re disappointed to hear you’re cancelling your subscription but hope you continue using the free Smoothie Challenge on the portal. You can always resubscribe to join the portal and access other premium workouts in the future. 🙂

Here are the steps to cancel your premium subscription to the Inner Circle.

1. Click on your name in the top right of the screen;

2. Scroll down and tap Subscriptions;

3. Tap the cancel and confirm;


Please fill out the form above and one of our support team will contact you as soon as possible.

Try it free 10 Day Smoothie Challenge

Get started with 10 Days of delicious smoothie recipes and fitness classes.