16 Week Sculpt & Shred






We’ve successfully helped more than 1000+ men & women inside of our 10 Day SHREDIT programme. And at the end of every 10-day programme, we are asked the same question: “How do I continue training with you?”

And whilst we’ve always offered our Daily LIVE Workouts (for customers), we’ve never had a long-term programme…

That is, until now. We are super excited to bring to you our: 16 Week Sculpt & Shred Programme. A 16-week fitness programme is broken up into two training phases:

Phase #1 – Sculpt (8 weeks)
This is where you will get strong, build muscle and improve your fitness.

Phase #2 – Shred (8 weeks)
Then, in this second phase, we SHRED! This is where you will burn fat, get lean and boost your metabolism.

With these two programmes combined, there is no doubt this is our BEST EVER PROGRAMME.